in possession of a life


New Member
Often people say things like "get a life" usually meaning get a job, go meet some people, or stop playing video games.

Is it really everyones life to live your life going day by day doing some job? Dr. Suess (famous child book writer for thoose of you who live under a rock) hated being around people, once someone built a house next to his (which was located on a hill) so he bought it and tore it down (gee i wonder where he got the grinch who stole christmas from...). i want to know who can explain to me what "having a life" means


New Member
Yeah get a life is different to a lot of people. Although sometimes I don't understand it.
I mean, people tell me to get a life, as in get a job. I have two jobs. Or they tell me to get a life as in get a girlfriend. I'm engaged. Or they tell me to get a life as in go out and do something. I spend most of my time working or at uni.
Some people just say it because they think your doing nothing helpful or productive at the time, so they just say it to get you to go do something more productive. With parents, it usually means go do something other than play computer games :)


New Member
i think its stupid that people think that you wouldnt have a life for playing video games all the time... i dont think anyone can say all videogames are boring and its just stupid to say get a life because thats like saying im right your wrong even though we dont know whats going on
i think whoever has the most fun or happiness has the most life or the best life


New Member
Dr. Suess (famous child book writer for thoose of you who live under a rock)
Never heard of the good man. I think the man only has a national reputation, Squishy. It's no secret that I'm bad with names, but considering what I am studying and my personal interest, I'd expect to have heard of the name before.

Undead, don't you think this might be more accurate in the debate section? I'm a bit indecisive today.

i think its stupid that people think that you wouldnt have a life for playing video games all the time... i dont think anyone can say all videogames are boring and its just stupid to say get a life because thats like saying im right your wrong even though we dont know whats going on
Most video games are not very educational and you don't learn much of it. Yes, there are exceptions (I worked in a toy-store, come on) of non-educational games. And there are numerous games that teach other stuff as well, but compared to many other things, it is quite the minimum of what can be taught. An example of this could be the following:
I started writing because I was impressed by the story of a specific game. Because I was (or am actually) unable to create a sense of excitement when writing in Dutch, I decided to switch to English. Needless to say, my English grammar improved dramatically because of it. However, back in its early stages, I spend far too much time in it, despite everything being of low quality. Quite a number of years have passed since I started writing and when I look back on what I could have done, I regret it. As most people know, I hate how I used to be several years ago and one of my greatest fears is becoming what I used to be. That's all for the example, do know that the motivation for me starting to write was a different reason. No game inspired me to write; the best it could have done is inspire me.

Playing much video games or surfing the internet (forums are not out of the question either) all the time can also be called 'escaping reality', which is completely true in some cases.

i think whoever has the most fun or happiness has the most life or the best life
I agree with that, but what exactly is happiness in that case? A man who fights for his life to earn a little money for him self and his family but is very happy. However, you could also name someone who doesn't have to work at all and gets paid all the money he needs. Yet he is very happy too. Of course there is a number three who is happy with his work, but I'll leave that one for now. But do you think the first person could imagine the happiness of the second person and in the opposite way?

i want to know who can explain to me what "having a life" means
I mostly agree with Undead on this. When said "get a life," it is mostly meant as someone to grow up. Otherwise it is usually meant as a statement that has no particular meaning as Jup. already pointed out.

The words them selves hasn't been mentioned to me for years now. There has been a time when I was playing a lot of video games and browsing a lot of stuff on the internet. Yet my emotional side never changed - I'm a very emotional guy. I didn't go out (at all) back then either and I was everything that I hate now. You could say that I didn't have a "life" back then.
Despite that not too much has changed, I still play video games when I have the chance, I am still too lazy to find a job, I am not making full hours at school, I browse a lot on the internet and I still don't go out, I am a completely different person (oh, and I don't have a girlfriend :p). However, all those I mentioned have a completely different meaning now. Every chance I can take, I do play a video game, but it doesn't happen too often, it is my personality that I am lazy in that point of finding a job, I am not making full hours at school because I don't need nor want them (and I refuse to learn French and don't feel like learning Spanish and German, both for a decent reason), I do still browse a lot on the internet but nowadays for more intensive reasons and finally, I still don't go out because I simply am not the type that likes to go out often. About 90% of my friends aren't too fond on going out either.

There. That should do. Now I should get back to work. :p I still need to have some stuff I need to finish...


New Member
I agree with you Flad, this should be in the Debate section. Moved.
Personally, I haven't heard "get a life" in a long time. I think the most general translation of it would be that "you're doing nothing with you life, do something with it". Since I haven't heard it for a while, I thought it could be "grow up" because I percieved the lack of it being said had to do with age, thus growing up.


New Member
i just moved to a new place about 3 months ago and people use the expression "failure to life" quite a bit though i dont think its very much of a debate because it was more like me asking a question what everyone means when they say or have been told to "get a life"