

New Member
Okay when i'm in my marketing Managment class in the morning i usually get on here and read and try to post. But every friggin time i try to post it would say "Invalid_Session." What the hell is that? And how can i change it..if i can.


New Member
My understanding is that it affects AOL users only. You should be able to do a workaround by deleting your browsers cookies, or especially the cookies, and then you will be able to post again. If this is helpful then all I request is that you STOP CALLING ME OLD!!!!!


New Member
Invalid_session is due to PHP-nuke (the version used here) and the way it auththenticates you in.

This PHP-nuke forum program uses your IP address to see where you are comming from. The string is something like (scale it down so you will understand) x.x.x.x it looks at all 4 octets. If it was edited to x.x.x and use the first three it would not get that problem.

There is a fix out for this version but all fixes have thier breaks... (Look at Microsoft.... Win 3.x was so stable!!)

But when I grew up I had an Apple when they first came out.

Ohh and an Atari 2400. (it was 1200 and 2400) Or was it 600 and 1200?? I had the one with the keys not the one with the membrane!

So... Yeah I am old... but lets play a little networking and see who runs circles around who... and who gets paid a lot for what is in his OLD 34 year old brain!

Besides... What is becoming hip now... was going out then....

I know what a MoneyShot is too... (LOL!!)

Turnabout is fair play!!!


New Member
Well i can get on no problem on my's just the computer at my school...that just sounds like way too much trouble anyways...considering it's not even my


New Member

Hey, My first PC was an atari 2400, that thing was badass, Stunt, Pool4, Galaga, Pole Position, Sundog1+2, them games were l33t.

Ill never forget how pimp stunt wow.

then my dad got me one of them IBM 1700's and i played Dune2 alot, now that was a REAL game.....ah 16mb....



New Member
AlphaEMA said:
Well i can get on no problem on my's just the computer at my school...that just sounds like way too much trouble anyways...considering it's not even my

Normally problems like this are due to multiple internet pipes leaving/returning into the campus. We have that problem here at my work (a college) with PHP type pages. It is because one "click" you are on one connection. Then when you post that forum item it goes out the other connection. The server you are connecting to dosen't think it is you...

AOL uses a range of IP's normally large enough that it doesnt matter.

You might be behind a proxy server also.


New Member
Your computer probably has a venereal virus. Set up your web cam to find out who's hammering this baby while you're out.