Is there any way i can add new resources?


New Member

i need to know how i can add new resources in warcraft, and make units actually harvest it, and make units not build withougt that resources,

if you know a way please tell, and be detailed, i would really appreciate help.
I believe this quesiton was asked before:
I suggested variables, and if they try to build something, check the variable, and if there isnt enough, cancel the building. As for harvesting, make a tree like thing, just change the model, then give them the variable instead of lumber. And so that you can see how much you have of that resource - use a multiboard.



New Member
I know it is the easiest way, but I think the food CAN be remade into what you need it is just gonna take alot of work and wont really be worth it I think. So instead just do that multiboard thingie even though it looks really bad :p