Job interview.


New Member
I finally get to go in for an interview for a real job. I have to get to Knoxville, TN by Monday Sep. 12th at 9am for a 2 part 2 day interview. I'm trying to get a job with Travler's Insurance. I'm still not sure what the job is exactly, but I know that I have to talk on the phone alot (but incoming and not selling anything). I'll be reloacting to Knoxville, TN.
Anyone live around there? I should be done with my interview on Monday by 10am then I have the rest of the day to kill.
I'm sad because it only pays 25 to 28k a year...but I think I can rise up in the ranks pretty quick (cause if I can't I quit).

Anyway, wish me luck, and let me know if you live in the area...I wanna see what down town knoxville night life is like....on a monday.


New Member
Good luck!

Might be something cool on there you can check out..


New Member
The job interview went really well in Knoxville. I did all the interviewing and tests on Monday, for 6 hours.
Today, Thursday, they called and made an offer. However, they only want to pay me 26k a year. I'm not sure that I can live on that...but hey, I got my first offer ever! Woot.


New Member
Man, with your degree you should be able to get something better than that. I know it's hard to stick it out so I guess you have few choices, but the move and startup costs are going to make it hard on you. Not to mention that they won't give you your first paycheck for a few weeks. Ah, listen to me. I'm not being very encouraging here. Sorry. Hey, EDG lives in Memphis, and I am here in Atlanta. She and I can send smoke signals to you. How's that sound?


New Member
Well before you take the job do this if you haven't already

Cost of an apartment
Cost of utilities
Car payment
Car insurance
Your credit cards
Any other bill you pay per month
Internet cost and if they have broadband *optional for some people*
How much food you will eat
Gas prices and distance from work to home

Take all this and add it up. You shoud put 10% of what you make in savings so you should be putting around $250 in savings/investing a month.

Now take what you have left. If its $10 then you might not want to do it. One movie a month just doesn't cut it.


New Member
I did the thing you just mentioned LMS. Luckily TN doesn't have an income tax (or I'd never make it) , but after Federal tax, Social Security, and Medicade my 26,000 gets knocked down to 18,723.

That comes out to $1,560 a month.
After I spend:
Rent - 500
elec - 100
car insurance - 80
cell phone - 60
broadband internet - 55
That leaves me with $795 a month which = not quite $200 a week...and I still have to factor in gas and food, and health care (I don't know how much they charge for it)

So I'm pretty sure that $10 IS all I'm going to have left.

I'm skeerd.