Kinda yeah, nooo, maybe, type of disturbing website...



New Member
wow, that's fucked up.

hahaha not to be a dick but one chick died by laughing to hard and having an anurism(sound it out I cant spell)....

Jeff Barnes [2/25/06]
Death #79
Cause of Death: Fell Off Cliff
Age: 23

how the hell?


"Deaf beauty contest winner Tara McAvoy was walking along the railroad tracks from her Austin, Texas, home to her mother's workplace, text-messaging family and friends, when a train struck her and killed her, according to the Austin Police Department. "

^hahahah fuck that has to suck!

okay, that's enough from me.. I deal with death by laughing and some of you might find it offensive.


New Member
slick, she was the DEAF Ms. America/USA/whatever contestant....nub. perhaps i missed the sarcasm due to the weird ass link i just clicked, who knows.

anyhoo, how much of that shit do you think is real? like, would you go to someone's myspace page and pop messages after they were gone? maybe, seems creepy, but if that's all you got to hold on too, i guess...

strange page man, fo real.

The Perv

New Member
i take the train every day and when its going even 60% of its full speed its hard to hear it coming (especially if the engine is pushing the train as opposed to pulling it).


New Member
depressing. ya never know which breath will be your last. I concur about the hot girls though...lots of them on that site. Couple hot guys too.

(now you homophobes go get queesy)


New Member
well, may her soul rest in peace, but than again if your deaf don't be walkin on the fuckin railroads......oh yeah,and if your blind don't cross the highway. Seems like common sense to me , but than again I might be superintelligent ... :roll: