Knife Mafia Origins: Solderius



Hey leader :p

My Best fried IRL's brothers friend is in your clan. Lidzy . :D

I'm rather good at melee aswell, check out my melee stats if you want. Jordanga

I know everyone has friends and everything they would like to have in the clan as well. I'm not discriminating anyone on their skill but try to understand that there are alot of people who I'd like to have in the clan but due to some people not wanting to clan war it's hard to rank the clan. They're all good players in the art of melee.. I just wish they would practice with guns from time to time. We need to rank the clan because I would like to have those 10+ extra members.

I don't accept just anyone. I prefer people who don't hack, don't glitch, for god sakes don't spam your fuckin attack. I'm a reasonable person but if you think by constantly swinging your weapon is skill.. then you're far off. Use accuracy and timing. I'm getting a little frustrated by members complaining about getting killed or if someone is horrible, don't sit there and harass them about it.

Shifting/Glitching the attack/Sprint Stab
: Eh.. A cheap tactic but I don't mind it to an extent. Just don't abuse it. Considering you can swing twice as fast (Ninjato/Kukrui/Shovel/TomaHawk) and delay your shot with any melee weapon.

Be advised, I will kick people who are inactive for too long. I know some have lives but if don't plan on playing for a while, please leave a message. lol

Jordan B

Active Member
Lol i was just stating a fact. I don't want to join the clan , though I am rather good at melee.

Anyways, I use a Ninjato , and an M11 . Used to use a sickle .

I like your clan though , I must say, good job.

I need to rank up my clan lol, 20/20 members, I need more space.


New Member
hah. i used to be part of knife mafia. but i was never online cuz i dont get on much so i got kiked out for never being on lol. now im part of slicers R us.

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