Kobe did what?!


New Member
I was on ESPN.com, and I saw that Kobe Bryant scored 81 points against the Raptors. Second most points in a single game behind Wilt's 100 point game. He scored 55 points in the second half. Love him or hate him, you gotta be amazed at that shit.

King Ad. Rock

New Member
hes talented, but i dont like his style, hes a ballhog, im 6'8 (varsity year, undeclared yet, thinking about utah) but i pass more than i shoot, keeps your teams morale up when they touch the ball, the other lakers are just there to take up empty space


New Member
I'll have to agree with king on that one......at least MJ moved the ball around quite a bit, and still racked up the points......


New Member
Kobe has skills, but he is a ball hog......and i agee, fuck the NBA, over paid fucks. PGA RoXoRs bitches!!!!!!! hahaha


New Member
why couldnt he have done this against a better team...
say the HEAT ?!!?!?
he had to do it on a team that sucks
not a team with skill


New Member
81 is 81 dog, you dont do that if you have a good supporting cast or if you are playing the best team in the league...

i dont really like the guy, but dang.