
Well hello...

My name is James and I am 16 years old. I dwell in Baltimore, Maryland where the grass is always greener...but on the other hand...I'm relatively new to PuNx and I thought I'd introduce myself. I first came onto PuNx because Lo3's Loudboy. Although I will never be as 00ber-1337 as him, I must do my part to try. I've only been playing CZ for a few months now, but I've taken a great liking to it. Prior to my recent CZ addiction, I was addicted to, as you could probably guess, World of Warcraft. The game just lost its charm and I decided, hey a game where I'm shooting stuff should be fun. And of course Loudboy is all like, yo James, or Kronkor, you should play CZ on PuNx. So I did, and here I am.

Other interests....

Music. Before I moved to my new house where I got broadband for the first time (one of the happiest moments in my life), I used to be the kind of kid who would practice guitar just a little bit too much. Over the summer I would practice at least 8 hours a day, and because of all of that practice, I have unfortunately fallen into the world of "shred" guitar. Mainly Buckethead kind of stuff (I've played on PuNx with names like Bucketbot and Buckethead?) is what I jam too, but I'm also a huge fan of Trance, blues, and jazz. Oh, and power metal. Nothing better than a bunch of farts singing about wizards and dragons singing in falsettos. So yeah, it's been a great experience playing on PuNx so far, and I hope to get to know you as I continue advancing in my CZ career! 8)


New Member
Kronkor Kronkite said:
Nothing better than a bunch of farts singing about wizards and dragons singing in falsettos.


That's good shit - welcome to PuNx!

A friend of Loud's is a friend of mi.. Fuck that, get ready to die!


New Member
Intro said:
Kronkor Kronkite said:
Nothing better than a bunch of farts singing about wizards and dragons singing in falsettos.


That's good shit - welcome to PuNx!

A friend of Loud's is a friend of mi.. Fuck that, get ready to die!

So I take it that you would love a group like...uhmm...YES for example???

Three part harmonies and moog solos anyone??? Goin once...twice...hellooooo? I know your out there I can hear you breathing...