L3| s!cKsEeD


New Member
Well lets see, my name is Chris im 17 aka playing in punx illegally its ok tho because im not a fool. I live in Florida where the old people come to spend their lives in the sun. I am a junior in highschool and work at chuckie cheese, do not plan to my whole life, please no questions "Do u have to be the mouse!!"....i did my first week but thats only to see if u will quit or not and i survived, now ive been there for over a year. I get my license in april cuz i got my permit late and ive been playing since cz first came out which is not that long but ive paid my dues to the game and i think im a decent player.. :roll: , and social life is preety much chillen with friends, clubs, women. Cant think of much more to say well peace outtttt :shock:

PS: i have no idea what sickseed means its an inside joke i guess