last nights lost


New Member
every thing happens for a reason....
even if that means its a re-run
pisses me off doing the same shit this season they did last season...
they get telling a good story and then start teh re-run blitz
fucking damnit shit

anyway just a little vent

very good show
i highly recommend to everyone

(even if you dont know whats going on or why)


New Member
why is it bad that they do reruns?

would u rather have the whole season in fall?

i mean, some people would.

but they spread it out from september to may and that kind of makes it an event when it is on

plus the reruns allow certain people to catchup who may have missed out.

idk i like that it gets spread so far


New Member
Intro said:
I've been a junkie since a couple shows into the first season.

I plan my life around Wednesday at 9.


same here.
on wednesday at 9 im in front of the tv like a cult is at a kool-aid bowl

and i dont like it being spread out
i would perfer that every time they show one it be new
that way we get ALOT of lost


New Member
TVs should come with a tivo built in. I'm tired of being a slave to Wednesday night prime time. And Monday night (prison break)


New Member
Lost Season One DVDs are the shit.

Go getchu some and bathe in the glory of NO COMMERCIALS.

And it's all nice and in order so you can get the whole story all togetha.


New Member
Intro said:
Lost Season One DVDs are the shit.

Go getchu some and bathe in the glory of NO COMMERCIALS.

And it's all nice and in order so you can get the whole story all togetha.

Already watched the whole season on DVD, the week before season two started.


New Member

whats funny about teh dvd's is this...
i was seein this girl for a few weeks and during that period i told her
my dedication to lost
so she comes over every wednesday to watch it
after 2 weeks she goes out and buys the first season
watches them all before the next week comes

another week passes we part ways
comes over a few more weeks to watch lost....
now she dont come over anymore

but word is
she still watches lost

what do you take away from this story ?

lost last longer than blind dates