Last Nite


New Member
hey guys

lats nite round 230-3am ish, big group of guys came in that were hacking, I dont usuallly accuse so i know what i see,

and 3 guys with the tag -a3-

All of them were walling, there own teammates bitchign about it.
you can find em conveniently at the top of our ranking system now cause they got to play for a good 2 hours with no admins around, i hate people who ruin this game...somebody give me kick power since im on at obscure times



New Member
Funny thing you should mention these guys. At one point one of them replied back after killing several in one round that "you've been hacked". Sometimes we say this jokingly but when I asked him "you think it's funny to claim you're hacking?" he didn't reply back, and my guess is because I have the Punx tag. Worm and I were on the edge of banning the whole team but there were a few rounds where our regulars gave these guys a pounding, so we let them be. I left pretty late as the last admin, and I guess you guys suffered afterward. Sorry to hear that. Nothing gives me more pleasure then to ban some assclowns. We'll keep an eye out for these guys and give them the old punx welcome next time.


New Member
I saw them being all frezky ish... I had it on my screen to pop them all....

But then we all started to kick thier ass.....

I said my goodbyes and parted....

I had a feeling at times but then I 1'st one of them and he got smacked around by dilla and the gang...

I should of finished and pressed ewnter to pop them all...

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