Late Night PuNx


New Member
I work nights and play most often when I get off work. The trouble is, just about the time I sign on and get settled in, everyone starts taking off. And while I understand most people have normal schedules, I don't.

So we late late nighters would appreciate it if some folks would start rocking the grave shift with me. You know, it'll be great - you can quit work/school/life and just stay up all night waiting for me to get off work.

Deal? Deal.

Seriously tho - I'm tired of knife rounds with 0$iri$..


You all DO realize that the content of this post is indeed teh reason that I'm even posting this in the first place. I should add something else for contents sake.

Post a pic? Plant a tree? Eat a dick? All for me?


New Member
Late night punx??

it was just 2am and we had 20 peeps in there...

Map before that we had 26.

Map before that we had 28... all of that after midnight....

So I dont want to hear it!!!

Where were you??


Intro... Reading the forums is not an excuse for not playing!


New Member
Sorry I couldn't stay late last night... I do have work in the mornin! =)

But! How'd the M4 get way up there? Nades don't do that... do they?


New Member
Well it was 27-4... and 2 people on the CT side have NEGATIVE scores! Didn't we already have a thread on trying to even teams out?


New Member
Of course you had to take a screenshot when i was dead; didn't you! All I can say is there are always a lot of people on until 1:30 or 2, but after that we start dropping like flys -some of us do have lives and jobs you know (not me, but some people do :lol: ). I would suggest you get a laptop, and take a bathroom break so you can play at a more reasonable hour :twisted: .