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So last night I was playing with some friends in Power Surge.  I was master and the round ends.  We're all sitting in the lobby for a few sec regrouping before another intense battle and out of no where a "Live GM" supposedly came in our room.  Red Font and all asking if we want to have a "GM Event".  I dont even know what this is.  So I check out the "GMs" stats.  He's a Trainee with a KDR of 30ish.  The profile was obviously made the same day.  Right off the bat I'm calling Hacker.  He starts asking me to give him "Master" by pressing Escape twice.  Half the room is telling me he is legit and the other half is telling me not to do it.  I asked him if he could prove that he worked for Nexon but there was no response.  So after 30 sec of debating I figure what the hell and give Master to him for a "GM Event".  Which btw he wouldn't even tell me what that was.  So the round begins....Now let me stat that I've been around the block in this game, I consider myself to be a "good" player.  Im a Master SG III with a 1.50 Kdr which I have earned the right way.  This guy was obviously hacking.  He finished the round somewhere around 58-9 I believe.  Throughout the round he felt the need to keep telling everyone how it was so great to be a GM etc etc.  After the round I left the game.  Has anyone else ran into this?  I say there is no way in hell that was a true Nexon GM or whatever just b/c of the way he handled himself.  If it was, that guy needs a talking to.  Some of the people in the room still believe he was legit.  Stating that GMs come in rooms like that to see if others are hacking.  My question to that is..Are they using hacks to catch hacks?  Secondly I have no clue how Nexon goes about catching hackers but I would think they would have a much more efficient way of doing so.  Anyways I'd like to get everyone else's opinion on this.  Thanks for reading!!
