Sup, im searching for same protection as Darky used in his TD, i don't know where it is or w/e but it prevent you from "stealing map" but you can still look into triggers, anyone got ideas where to get it?
Funny considering he is against map protecting I heard Vexorian's Optimizer + Widgetizer give freaking good trigger protection. Removing listfile is good too
Ghost, when I first saw the title of this thread, I thought you were going to make a poll of whether or not people support map protection. Ya gotta work on your titles man
Thats because Darky is against the kind that screws people from being able to learn from examining maps. Hence why he uses "open map protection" where people can open his maps and examine everything, but just cant save it. That is the one kind of map protection I would whole-heartedly support, but unfornunatly its exclusive only to Darky.
I wonder why he never shared it with us... Gah! It would've been perfect for a lot of people, and I'm sure many would've used it! I mean, peoplea re not interested in hiding their work (or maybe they are) but in having it stolen!
Because if he did, someone may be able to figure out how it works and develope a deprotector. Not really sure, but that what I'd suspect the reason to be.
Then Darky should make a program that does if for you.....then maybe it couldn't be deprotected?
For instance, I know of some programs that use passwords.
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