meanmuggin and cait!!!!!!!!


New Member
Sooooo....i got an email today and here it is copy and pasted lmao

Hello alijsp23,

We have received a complaint regarding some things you said in chat
at our tables. I have reviewed the chat log and did find some of your
comments to be inappropriate.

Our goal at PokerStars is to be a fun place to play, where everyone
can feel comfortable. Foul language and abuse of other players takes
away from everyone's enjoyment, and therefore cannot be permitted.

We must ask you to refrain from using this type of language in the
future, or we will be forced to remove your chat privileges.

Please note that you may not be the only one receiving a message such
as this. When we receive a chat complaint, we review the entire chat
of all players at the table. Any other offenders at the table were
also warned or revoked as appropriate to our policies.


PokerStars Support Team

55586629 alijsp23 fuck u mean haha 9
6/20/2006 2:07:22 AM

55586629 alijsp23 a.s.s 9
6/20/2006 2:09:07 AM

55586629 alijsp23 javier's mom is such a bad cook..after i boned her
she cooked and i had to pray AFTER the meal 9
6/20/2006 2:15:10 AM

are you fucking kidding me??!! hahahaha that lil javier bitch went and tattled lmao. I bet he got himself in trouble in the process


New Member
maybe not but i am pretty sure it was..who else would take the time to actually report it. No1 else complained about me, but who knows.