Members' Hobbies


New Member
Other than playing video games and being on here, what do all you guys do for fun? What are your hobbies?

I like doing gymnastics/free running/parkour/jumping on the trampoline and hanging out with my friends-walking to the park or 7-11, riding bikes, playing pool.


New Member
well i like to play basketball with my friends afterschool sometimes....... i dont know if you know it or not i was on my grade 9 basketball team.....:)

I also like to play other sports like hockey, soccer, baseball(once in a while) and football


New Member
MAR1O said:
Rybo5000 said:
Collecting stuff is the best! Collecting!

what do you collect?
anywho my hobby is mostly card manipulation right now... although i do play many sports.

I love collecting comics, games, books, figures, trading cards - anything; i just love to collect stuff.