Mic issues


New Member
hey can anyone help me out here, my mic sometimes will work sometimes it wont. What happens is when i turn on my computer sometimes it will say it cant log user info or some shit like that so then i push crtl alt delete and then my mic will work, so then i have to re log onto my computer. THat is the only way my mic works and it doesnt work everytime i push ctrl alt delete. CAN ANYONE HELP ME? it will be well apreciated.


New Member

Hey Hey,

Sounds like a driver issue because i have similar problem except yours seems to be around your user setup, thing is, different users have different setups (aint windows great) shitty thing is alot of those configurations dont always work together and th eonly way to get all programs to cooperate is to have them isntalled while logged in as the main login, be sure to have the drivers for your mic, aka your sound card installed when logged in as the amdinistrator Login of the computer and also make sure go itno your hardware settings and enable the device(your sound card & possibly your mic) for all user cofnigurations. this would be foudn in device manager if you have no clue what i speak of, if you need more elaborate direction, just ask =P



New Member
see the thing is is that everything was installed on the main user and i checked the mic in the hard drive type thing and it still didnt work so maybe your more eloborate directions might help lol
Thanks Sword


New Member


Firts off gimme the lowdown, whats ur mic, what OS r u running, what is your soundcard, uhm, and just so im thorough here, you sya that sometimes when ur pc boots up you get some sort of error msg that says cant open/run logfile somethingorother and then u hit ctrl/alt/del and then it works? but then u log in and it stops? One thing it could be is some conflict with another system program, this is rare and hard to place, but when u say it works when u hit ctrl/alt/del it makes because ctrl/alt/del is a stop process and halts all programs, and well your mic isnt a program sits hardware so there is no stopping it, i want to say that reinstalling the sound card itself follwoed by the driver may be worth looking into to maybe overwrite a faulty installation file. Well see, get back to me with that info
