Hey guys? I am pretty new I have, been in this forum for 1 month now. I played alot in the PunX server before I went to MK4. I lived in Florida my whole life. It is not much fun here like everyone thinks it is. I am in school for my Associates Degee. Right now, my major is undecided. I like streetracing and, drifting alot. My favorite car is a RHD 1998 TWIN TURBO Toyota Supra MK4 lol... I have hopes of getting one soon. Since I've been living with MOM plays 1.6, CZ, and CSS non-stop and, I always wanted to know what the fuss was about. So he gave me his old Steam account and, I play on that. I've been playing for about 3 months now. I was in a community before this one called BMC - Black Marine Corps. It was pretty fun, but not as close to the best as PunX is. I enjoy PunX alot. Especially the chances I get to play with Cait, Mom and, Curry. Those are the coolest people here in my eyes. Hope to meet more like them. I am in MK4 Clan yes I know MK4 right. I know about all the drama before. Just thought I'd let you guys know that I am very respectable person and, I very outgoing kid. I got alot of motives. Please I beg for a chance to be respected. I will earn it. I am not like reaper and, some of the others that may have pissed you off. Don't judge me cause I am MK4 please. Thanks. Well I have to eat Din Din and, I don't know if I stated enough but, I hope I did. For those of you who take your time to stop by and, read. I appreciate it.