If you are a Modeller , Concept artist or Skinner
You may be interested in what I offer.
I am offering anyone that is a capable 3d modeller , concept artist , or skinner , a Chance to work on a real game , of course you must be good , and this will be an extremely valuable experiece to learn a great deal about actual game modeling.
I , and a Partner are designing a game , an MMO-ORPG
We have all the programmers needed , but still require more 3d modellers , a concept artist , and skinners.
This is a 5-6 month project , we have all the programmers we need , a decent game engine , and just need more talented modellers , skinners , animators , and concept artists.
It is a MMO-ORPG , with a combat system unlike most others , and will require a little more skill that your standard MMORPG system.
All models will have 512x512 textures , more for buildings.
Monster models will have 2k-3.5k poly's
Character Models Will have 6-8k polys
It is largely PVP-based , and combat between guilds fighting over capturable fortresses and resources will be almsot constant.
Anyone who is skilled , and would like to be part of this project should contact me (Shigee_1357@hotmail.com) this is not just some throw-away project , and deffinately worth the experience , tools , and skills you will learn while on the team. However , we are looking for people who will be dedicated and stick with it once they start.
If you are at all interested , contact me at Shigee_1357@hotmail.com
You may be interested in what I offer.
I am offering anyone that is a capable 3d modeller , concept artist , or skinner , a Chance to work on a real game , of course you must be good , and this will be an extremely valuable experiece to learn a great deal about actual game modeling.
I , and a Partner are designing a game , an MMO-ORPG
We have all the programmers needed , but still require more 3d modellers , a concept artist , and skinners.
This is a 5-6 month project , we have all the programmers we need , a decent game engine , and just need more talented modellers , skinners , animators , and concept artists.
It is a MMO-ORPG , with a combat system unlike most others , and will require a little more skill that your standard MMORPG system.
All models will have 512x512 textures , more for buildings.
Monster models will have 2k-3.5k poly's
Character Models Will have 6-8k polys
It is largely PVP-based , and combat between guilds fighting over capturable fortresses and resources will be almsot constant.
Anyone who is skilled , and would like to be part of this project should contact me (Shigee_1357@hotmail.com) this is not just some throw-away project , and deffinately worth the experience , tools , and skills you will learn while on the team. However , we are looking for people who will be dedicated and stick with it once they start.
If you are at all interested , contact me at Shigee_1357@hotmail.com