Monitor size and video setup


New Member
ok, so i just got a new laptop, and its got a 15.4 inch widescreen monitor. im used to a regular monitor, and 800x600. im just curious what everyone else uses and how well it works for you. im trying to decide what to use on the widescreen monitor. thanks guys,



New Member
Are u asking people with a laptop?
If not: 19" CRT(Viewsonic A91f+) resolution 1024 X 768(since the comeback of the CZ)...used to play 1600 X 1200 but I switched ..Puppet reccomended lower I'm still testing this

Good Luck


New Member
Since you're using a laptop with an LCD, you should try to stick with the LCD's native resolution, or a multiple thereof. If you go less than the LCD's native resolution, it has to interpolate pixels therefore degrading image quality. CRTs do not have this problem. I'm guessing that your laptop should be able to handle the nigh native resolution of your LCD.


New Member
You forget that some LCD's have multiple native resolutions without a problem. Also when it cames to rendering the game, it's full screening a lower resolution, so unless his LCD really sucks (which it doesnt) it should be fine; this would be different if he was running a different Windows environment resolution.[/i]


New Member
1280 x 1024 LCD, pwnji as hell. only thing is a very small bit of
bleeding colors when too much bright on dark....hardly notice after
about a minute of playing tho.