Most patient guy in the world


Animal Mother

New Member
Gunny said:
There's a good reason why cable is better than DSL..!!

wait...i thought that he wants to play a game but it keeps freezing, cuz u can hear him yelling "i'd like tp play a game, i wanna play a game, omg what is this, all i want is play agame etc etc etc"


New Member
what ever he was saying he has some serious fucking problems. if he was my kid he definately wouldnt have an ass anymore after fucking up my computer


New Member
blze said:
i dont speak russian, lol <3

Not russian, its German. He's saying START YOU PIECE of CRAP. QUICKER!! QUICKER. QUICKER something something something. Listen for SCHNELLER!!!!, he screams that quite frequently. It means Quicker.


New Member
yes, i know it is german. schnell is like the verb "to go" i think or something. i dated a german chick for 3 years. i was messing with animal mother but gg anyway. :p

Animal Mother

New Member
Lol i don't get what happends. he wants to play a game, u can hear the music in the game play, but when it stops he fucking flips out. Does his computer freeze or something?