Mouse wit out a house

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New Member
Hey i got a fickin mouse in me house. any ideas to get it out....besides a fickin mouse trap. All they sell round ere are the fickin traps that kill em, eh. Any other idears??


New Member


New Member
throw rat pellets in your attic and behind your counters and shit. just make sure you put the pellets in locations that your pets (if you have any) can get to them. They will be gone in no time. You might have a smell for a bit until the carcases rot away lol, but they will be dead.


New Member
Put some cheese on a plate with a little sign that says, "Cheese for the mouse". Let him eat from the cheese plate for 8-10 weeks. After the time limit is up, replace the cheese with crack cocaine and a little sign that says, "Thank you for your patronage". He'll be so used to the cheese that he won't even think twice about it (plus he'll appreciate the patronage thing and it will give him a sense of well-being), he'll just eat it. Continue this for another 4 weeks. After the 4 weeks, don't put anything out except for a picture of the crack cocaine. He will leave your house immediately to work the street corners sucking cock for more crack. VIOLA!!
Whatever trap you use, use peanut butter not cheese. You smelly bitch :p


Oh by the way they sell what they call, Have a Heart traps. May be a little to big for a tiniwiny mouse, you puss :lol:
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