Mp3 Players


New Member
I'm looking to hook my sister up with one for Christmas and I'm not sure if I can afford an iPod. Do any of you know anything about other brands of Mp3 players - I can do some research on price, weight, specs and all that shit, just wondering if you guys had some insight on reliable player brands and such.

Any and all help is much appreciated!



New Member
I have an older iRiver..256 mb can take about 40 songs.
Except the size of the memory im satisfied with it. Got radio,voice recording and good sound quality.
My friend got a Creative and hes also happy with it.
I only know about these 2 and iPod .......

good luck


New Member
I have the new ipod video 60 gb. I already have like 10 movies on it and the battery life sux when your watching videos. Although, its an excellent mp3 player. Dont buy the 60gb; go with teh 30 gb. But for an extra $100 go with the 60 gb. Im just pissed i wasted my money ! ARGH $400 dollars and TAX!


New Member
curry your p ost just suckd ass..haha its so confusing!! dont get it...get it argh fuck 400 dollars!!

p.s. you suck at quitting lol


New Member
My older bro has a Creative Zen Micro, and he seems to enjoy it muchly. Also, a little lower price point than the iPods. Of course he also says he wishes he waited until the iPod Nanos came out, but such is life I suppose.


New Member
I was watching The Crocodile Hunter one day and they were after the biggest crocodile in the world or something. They find it and Steve Irwin is all wrestling it and shit. Suddenly, the croc comes around on Steve and hits him in the chest. He falls and then runs/crawls clear and says:

"I think I broke me rib! Such is life.."

Then he jumps on the croc's back and brings him into submission.


It was classic..

Anyway, Mp3 players!


New Member
Creative Zen Micro is a good way to go :) love it!

also, creative zen vision: M is coming out soon if u want video support