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I think they should keep the mp5 (whatever version they want) skorpion, mini uzi, ak74, m249 saw, RPD, M40A3, R700, M21, Dragunov, WA2000, Intervention, Barret 50. cal, Intervention, M16A4, AK47, G3, G36C, Fal, M4 Carbine, M14, MP44, P90, W1200, M1014, Spaz 12, AA-12, Striker, Ranger, M9, USP .45, M1911 .45, Desert Eagle, Famas, Scar-H, TAR-21, ACR, F2000, UMP45, Vector, L86 LSW, MG4, AUG HBAR, Riot Shield, M93 Raffica, PP2000, G18, TMP, .44 Magnum, STINGER, Javelin, RPG-7

Basically every gun from cod4 and mw2
