My thought on Source


New Member
Well… I have tried and tried to like this game. I just don’t… I am going to buy City of Hero’s and play that shit!

Source hit boxes are loopy, I feel as if they change randomly. I feel the only reason I do good is because I play smart. I feel once it’s a gun fight its all luck. The game looks great but the movement feels like Quake or an X-box game. I get tired playing and want to sleep and I never laugh. I JUST DON'T HAVE FUN. I think maybe after a few more major updates I will try again. But don't expect to see me there unless I am bored shitless.

CZ made me laugh felt faster and sometimes I would actually jump when I saw an enemy… The gun fights were more skill demanding...that is fun.


New Member
same here..exactly like Dirty. tried to like it but it feels like shit. Not that I can't hit shit..on the contrary I own more than I did in CZ(prolly cause I got a leet PC, and this game is more demanding) but still looks choppy and it's just not the same. And it's so friggin dark even with a Viewsonic A91f+ that has an ULTRABRITE button
I know we sound like a buncha whining bitchez , but thats the way I feel.
The server will never be so full and so much fun as it was with CZ.
I would be the happiest if punx would have CZ and Source server so you can play whatever u want on yer favorite server. Prolly after they will optimize Source and eliminate all the bugs or whatever all the people would switch over but till then......I mean u guys see there are more guys from the punx crew on A4H then on Punx Source. And believe me it's not by far as fun as punx used to be. they just like CZ so much better.

Anyway..plz don't flame, just my 2 pennies



New Member
I agree with Dirty, CS.S just isn't as much fun as CZ. I feel as though the skill component has been stipped down.


New Member
all the game comes down to now is .. spray at their head..the guns dont have recoil..... all the guns aim like the para from soon as you see someone they are dead...


New Member
You know, I remember when I was playing one server regular a year or so ago and it went from CS to CZ. Everyone started bitching. Different reasons then Source ("looks exactly the same", "I don't see any difference", "doesn't play as well just looks nicer","I paid $$ for this piece of shit?"). Why don't you guys give it a little longer?


New Member
Puppet, at some point source will be the only real option. After some updates and some work, I am sure it will be fine. Did any of you ever play the early CS? I fucking sucked, but they worked it out. I am just saying as of right now, I can't deal with it. In about 6 months maybe it will make me happy and I will have fun playing it.


New Member
I completely agree with Dirty on this one. Sometimes I feel the guns aren't as accurate or i'm not getting the feeling for them yet. The hit boxes are weird. Anyways, you guys remember when ppl used to WAIT for like 10-20 minutes just to get into the CZ Punx server?? Like Stoned-Monkee said, it was fun playin with the regulars. Now, as soon as the map changes from dust2, office, aztec, to anything else, it empties! Once again I got on last night with 16 ppl in the server, then it changed to italy, for god sake, italy is an awesome map, and there were only 3 ppl left and thats INCLUDING me!

It would be great if Punx had both a CZ and CSS server, but I know servers cost money, and specially the bandwidth for those servers. I do believe that when they get the kinks out of CSS, (the name not updating thing in the team list is annoying as hell) it'll be better... So I guess we'll have to wait.


New Member
i am not not siding or choosn cz or source BUT dirty you are right sometimes you aim and its right on and other times you do the same thing..even relax and take your time shooting and it just doesnt register...they need a few more updates too i think....


New Member
HAHA all that time wasted and i didnt even read a single word.
well, i read the topic and derived the rest of your thoughts...


New Member
Puppet said:
Why don't you guys give it a little longer?

You are right Puppet. We should give it a lil' longer , but the problem is we got nothing enjoyable to do meanwhile. At least my problem.
Fuck if I care that I spent 55 bux on this game and by the time I'll be able to enjoy playing it it's gonna sell for 19.99. I really don't give a shit about wasting 35 $. I just wish we had the CZ server till the game it's gonna run like it's supposed to.
Rock Lee is also right, Defender pays for the server and spends his time with it ,so he's the one who's making the don't like it...well, you're shit outta luck.
