My Youtube Video.


New Member
Well, here's that video I promised you guys. There was terrible audio video lag, so take my word for it that I was the one playing it. Also, please excuse my voice. My crappy microphone makes voices sound "strange". I could not find my real blindfold, so I decided to use just a towel. But for those of you who think that I could've taken it off while playing, think about how I could have put it back on when the camera went back to me, and I didn't mess up there. Ok, anyways, hope you enjoy!


New Member
link said:
ummm I coudent hear the song I think my speakers are broken but it was a great performence

Phillysoul11 said:
yeah i couldnt really hear anything

Hmm, that's strange...I can hear it when I play it on my computer....

Dana~Banana said:
I like the cat on your display picture : )

And cna you teach me how to do it!!!!!!!!! PLEASE. YOU ROCK!

Well, just lot's of practice. That's all I can say