NE Blademaster


New Member
I'm trying to make a model of an armored Nightelf Blademaster. I used the vertex modifier to attach the elven priest head to the orc blademaster, and that worked out fine, but then I looked at the model in the editor and the skin was really jacked up. The skin for his body was fine, but for his head, it looked like the entire BM skin was just wrapped around it. Is there a way I can put together the blademaster and priest skins so that the priest's head replaces the bm's head?


New Member
Because when you geomerge and it asks for the skin it asks for the skin of the you want to attack (i.e; Textures\Priest.BLP) if you put nothing in the space the face is team color, transparent or whatever you chose, and if you but Textures\Blademaster.BLP then it will use that skin.


New Member
I already tried geomerging and I can't get it to work. Whatever I attach it too, it just makes the head float around allover the place. It's probably because I deleted more of the Blademaster than I should've. I was able to attach it just fine with the vertex modifier. The problem was that the entire BM skin was wrapped around the head.
Am I supposed to leave the BM's neck alone?

(About a half hour later)
Oh hey! nevermind, i found out what's wrong. I geomerged it, and I just had to use the vertex modifier to scale and reposition the head. BOOYA! :yay:
... Uh... so how do I give it a portrait?