Need a better marine


New Member
i would like to request a marine that is way better than the origanl marine in the game, because im just sick and tired of the wc3 marine im hoping for like a starcraft marine (slimmer small etc) if some1 could do this i would appreciate it
thanks :)


New Member
i have to disagree, it poorly recreates the starcraft marine, the SC marine is slimmer, and smaller... but that happens because the SC characters a far smaller, but if u mess around with the world editor for both SC and WC like you size the SC marine up its way different


New Member
I disagree with you, I prefer the warcraft marine over the original starcraft one, the warcraft marine looks way more tough and battle ready than the pitifull little starcraft one!


New Member
That's not about WC marine being better done than SC marine, so STFU please and let people take request of alternate marine for WC one :p


New Member
well j00s do suck but still

SC marine > WC Marine

bcuz the sc marine (in starcraft) fights against protoss, zerg an terrans, in WC the marine can fight only against three starcraft units (zergling, marine and hydralisk) but dont get me rong every1 is entitled to ther opinion and tyhat cant be taken away, im just tryin to get you to see me point 'i dont like the WC marine'

That's not about WC marine being better done than SC marine, so STFU please and let people take request of alternate marine for WC one :p[/b]



New Member
i like the konstrukt units created by that dude, but there still bulky, and even when they trim the armor down (for the light 'scout' soldier) it still looks retarded but thanks jess if u do this :)


New Member
well the marines wernt made for quality, more of fun, like adding toys to kids meals or "Vanilla" Coke, just to spice it up abit, you dont eat toys do you? anyway, the marine is put in wc3 style, if you change that, any other units you have with it will feel outcasted or it will, so i suggest there will have to be more work than the marine.