New patch info -

Jordan B

Active Member
I disagree. The Tar-21 is a great gun for Mid to long range combat, aswell as Close range combat if you're spraying. Itech is good for long distance, just aim and tap .


New Member
The Tar-21 is a really bad AR, take my word for it, it has incredible recoil(bad)
it comes with an itech scope, which i hate too, and the recoil makes scoping rather useless. It also has an awful bullet spread, similar to the AUG, but more upward and wild, overall its a horrible mid to long range weapon, ur best hope for this weapon is junk flea or death room cqc :(

Finally. Someone else who thinks it's bad. Wasted 1100GP on a piece of crap.

Worst assault rifle in the game as far as I'm concerned.

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