New Years Resolutions


New Member
To start off, I'd like to say that I saw this on an other forum, so I'm quoting the person :p

-Be honest! (although anything too disturbing or vile would be better left unposted ;))[/b]

I personally have been thinking of it for some time, but... ah, heck, I don't think people even want to know mine :p


New Member
my new years reolution is 256x256

ROFL! that really did make me crack up, its a very good joke.

Im ganna be bold, and admit my new years resoloution, its to lose some weight . . .

I expect that whoever read this might also put what there one was in here, Ive had to make a big admition in front of all of you.


New Member
If I had to lose more weight, than I'd be a walking corpse :p I'm a big underweight.

Okay, okay. Believe it or not, Fladian out here has an addiction to something. Something I'd rather not share in public, if people don't mind. I'm trying to stop it.
The only other thing is to get a tad nicer to 'certain people', which I won't get into further detail either. Though I don't see why I should go into detail. It's not likely anyone knows those people :p


New Member
Ah addictions... I myself has also been striked with an terrible one, you can call it a curse really.

I.... I... I am... I am a sex'o'holic and need to get a blowjob atleast 1 time a week or I cant survive!


New Member
Hehe, yeah, well, I would like anything similar to that. But unfortunately, unless I pay for it, I don't really got any success with it :p

But my last post in this thread was a serious post. There is no joke in it.


New Member
Stop being lazy. Yeah, that's quite a pain.

Everyone, perhaps you guys should post in the 'Your Impression of...' thread. Take note that I want a serious discussion there, so no small posts. Take the time to post in that thread, okay? Small posts just... won't be funny.