Figures have been released for the Wii, Ps3 and Xbox 360 sales in Japan in the last week and its pretty interesting.
The wii has outsold both its competitors:
- The PS3 3-1, (Wii sold 245,653 units whist PS3 only sold 81,541)
- The Xbox360 22-1, (Wii sold 245,653 compared to a measley 11,288 from Xbox360)
So whats the decisive factor in the sales, ONE major thing different from the wii to the rest is the WiiMote and motion sensoring, that COULD be a major factor, but what else? Do people nowadays just want the good old fun games back, no BIG graphics, EXPLOSIONS and guns (Halo) maybe you just can't beat family/mate fun games like WiiSports, Mario Strikers and WiiPlay?
Would the tides be turned in America though, as Japan is not to keen on the evil american XBOX does america think the same?
We shall see in about a year i guess, when all 3 of the consoles have settled properly with all the "title" games out of the way..