no more boarding school???


New Member
oh yay, i am having second thoughts and i feel like shit, did anyone feel like this for college (because they are pretty much the same) just college has more beer.... :lol:


New Member
College is prolly one of the best times of my life. I definitely recommend it! Its not because of the education you get in class, its the shannigans that happens outside of class that makes it all worth it! =)


New Member

College is the best corey, you will have a great time i assure you.

and rock is exactly right, its nto all about the education, its about what goes on during.

the things that will happen to you over the next 2 years will most likely shape what is to come so hang on buddy, its a wild ride. dont regret anything, dotn holdback anything, youll only get to do this once, its more mature because it isnt highschool, you dont get second chances, but the shit you get to do is just amazing, atleast for me it was and I see it the time u go to college for the first two years is basically hwo you find your niche not in life, but who you are. The friends you make, the times youll have, it will be the best time of your life...

my recommendations:

Stay SINGLE!!! Too many guys who spent there lives single in highschool try to get married in college, DONT DO IT! Stay Focused...and just get laid.

Always tip the bartenders well, Late-nite denny's food is your new best friend, Always carry a spare thirty bucks with you(trust me), Buy condoms, you just never know when your going to need them sometimes...the local heinens girls are Hawt little skanks....hmm more to come later...



New Member
Ok, so Digi didn't know, but that's classic advice there. We need to keep this post for 4 years. These boys are gonna need this.


New Member
I did the 5 year plan; I went away for two years, partied my ass off, spread my seed, then moved back home and actually went to school. The best advice I can give is credits transfer, but your GPA does not! I also would advise you to get a doctors note when you are out sick, then make a blank photo copy of the note, and just fill in the date and a new illness each time you need a note; these also come in handy when you are a bit broke, and somone needs a note and you need cash. It is also best if the doctor writes the note on a script pad, and remember this; when the prof. asks you why it is a photocopy it is because you missed more then one class, and needed more then one note. Man did I have fun at school! :twisted:


New Member
I'm giving you youguns GOLD :idea: I tell ya, GOLD! I also have ways of getting rid of roomates who don't want to move out, and a few "old" tricks to play on the people who deserve them (you must be 18 to hear some of them, but 21 in most cases :twisted: ).