Off the wall


New Member
Well, today was my son's 1st birthday party. Everything went well and now my wife (and I) can can calm down. Since I am at my in-laws house and I am kind of bored I decided to post some random thoughts. I have been working 7 days a week for the past 3 months so this is the first opportunity that I have had to really sit down and reflect.

Two years ago I would have never guessed that I would be in this situation. Two houses, a loving wife, and a beautiful son. To be candid, our first pregnancy was not planned and I was scared shitless when I found out. At the time my life was in disarray and I was in no condition to be a good father or husband. But with some fear and trembling and huge lifestyle adjustment, somehow things worked out.

It's not that any of you care, but the point that I am trying to convey is that children are a wonderful thing. In my case, my son forced me to part with my less than productive tendencies and step up as a man. So if any of you guys are on the fence about the whole "children" issue, I have to say that although the cost is great, the rewards are even greater. Perhaps the gratest reward of all.

That's all I have to say about that.


New Member
Dude i sooo agree with ya..

i was scared shitless too because the woman that had my daughter was not who i wanted to be with for the rest of my life :/

but i would never chnge anything for the world...all those years of the.. i love you's to girls were fake i love you's which i didnt realize until i had a daughter that told me i was better then ice THAT is true love


New Member
Ahhh, it all passes. All that sugar sweet stuff goes away when they are teenagers between 15 and 18. Then you love to hate them while you love them. The good news is that difficulty goes away too. And I have discovered a new stage in my fatherhood now. Two of my kids are on their own now and it is great to be around them now. They understand now what pain parents go through in raising children. They now understand that I'm a real person instead of just "Dad". Now I just want to retire and be the oldest guy in the world playing Counterstrike.

Suxor, you always surprise me.


New Member

Lmao Slick, Shutup dilla, lol, hes repping the future dads of the community.

I know it is a vast difference but I feel I can relate somewhat.

Im the oldest of 5

17, 14, 12, 10 respectively.

and ive been there from the birth on.

I definitely cannot wait to have my own.
That greatest dad ever trophy is so MINE!



New Member

Me and my 18 year old ass does NOT need to be having any kids anytime soon...ooooh man if i ever get that phone call, maybe in 10 years.


New Member
This topic reminds me of something i learned a while ago;

Success is not measured by the amount of money you have, but by the amount of kids or how much you have reproduced :wink: