
"Torrel LLC has taken the best of Nintendo, run it through the "urban market" filter with plans to provide thousands of clothes-conscious gamers with over-sized and wildly tacky Nintendo authorized gear. The line, simply titled Nintendo by Torrel, has officially and garishly launched as of this week and will be available at the Nintendo World Store in New York City, starting November 15. Limited to 1000 pieces each and ranging from hoodies to t-shirts to puffy jackets, it features classic Super Mario Bros. and NES era graphics with an urban... uh, twist.
Shots of the first line taken at the MAGIC trade show in Vegas are available at the official site, as are details on the Nintendo World Store launch party. Go ahead. Look. It will either A. be right up your alley or B. make you pine for a label like The King of Games that knows the definition of "understated."