hahahah "i suck dick for graphic cards!" (inside joke) Yeah i cheated on her... 4 times with 2 different girls... this is my place to vent about that i guess... no way in hell she'll find this..... unless someone points her in this direction... and it wasn't like I had feelings for those girls. I just wanted to fuck. No emotional attachment at all. Michelle's in california and I wanted some. She doesn't need to know about those girls because they meant absolutely nothing and if i told her it would cause tooooooo much unnesasary drama. :\ Who's to say she hasn't cheated on me? And if she has while we've been cross country, I don't care and don't want to know as long as when we're together, we're together. And as long as she stays clean. If I fuck her and get some crazy STD I'm going to punch her back to el slavdor and take all her money.