oo i <3 feb 14th



New Member
Is moneyshot talking in code or am I going crazy? I have no idea what he's talking about!!!

By the way...my reggae weighs a ton.....

Also I ordered up soe long stem roses for the lady friend. Should be delivered 2mara. 8)


New Member
RaNcid said:
score!!!!! i got mad presents from the lady!!!!!!! ...who i'm cheating on.... but shit yeah i got the prezes!

so you decided to cheat on her? i hope she doesn't know you post on here...poor lady..


New Member
Indelible said:
Is moneyshot talking in code or am I going crazy? I have no idea what he's talking about!!!

By the way...my reggae weighs a ton.....

Also I ordered up soe long stem roses for the lady friend. Should be delivered 2mara. 8)

yeah ongoing inside joke. tina is straight on wednesdays for everyones info here.

Mom's Son

New Member
RaNcid said:
i did! i did! sent her a card, a raggaeton cd, and a DC zip up jacket. :]

My God Reggaeton where GOD "seriously" went wrong... It's the thought that counts I guess. That music is confusing. :lol:


New Member
hahahah "i suck dick for graphic cards!" (inside joke) Yeah i cheated on her... 4 times with 2 different girls... this is my place to vent about that i guess... no way in hell she'll find this..... unless someone points her in this direction... and it wasn't like I had feelings for those girls. I just wanted to fuck. No emotional attachment at all. Michelle's in california and I wanted some. She doesn't need to know about those girls because they meant absolutely nothing and if i told her it would cause tooooooo much unnesasary drama. :\ Who's to say she hasn't cheated on me? And if she has while we've been cross country, I don't care and don't want to know as long as when we're together, we're together. And as long as she stays clean. If I fuck her and get some crazy STD I'm going to punch her back to el slavdor and take all her money.