our govt is fucked

I spent alot of time watching the tv that week. I remember some of thier myths adressed years ago, imho its rather tasteless to use a tragic event like that just to make a shock video comercial for frosted flakes uses kids on bmx bikes.

Acording to the people behind that video clip what happened was: the government knew that they were going to crash the planes into the buildings, the building owners knew, the police and fire department knew, the people that rigged 200 floors of the world trade center for the staged implosion without anyone noticing the holed drilled in the support beams and explosives ductaped in holes, not to mention the ton's of wire needed to courdinate it. It was all an elabortate plot to demolish the WTC site since asbestos removal combined with higher than expected maintance made the buildings un-profitable to remodel but they didn't want the years of poblic complaint about doing a safe demolition (too expensive also)

Im telling you guys, the people behind that "your government is out to get you" are just as dangerous as the homos that crashed the planes.

They show you comercial aircraft that crashed at takeoff, or landing. think about the speed of the plane, and the conditions:

Take off: full of fuel, heavy, just enough speed to take off the runway (SLOW)

Landing: to crash land I think they might be trying to safly land the plane, reduced speed, and fall out of flight just as you get to the edge of the runway.

they compaire events like that to planes full of fuel, moving at much higher speeds, and crashed at 90 degree angles into 3 buildings, and a crater in a field. but they want you to think we should have vw bug size chunks laying all over a 1/2 mile drag/roll/burn crash.
don't get me started about that, or the pro ball players that earn in 1 season an amont equal to *140 full time years* for in the service industry ($15 an hour).

check this out, EVERY blank CD and DVD has a "tax" that goes to the recording and movie industry. So They get a check in the mail so to speak for every blank cd/dvd I buy because they asume Im going to put thier produict on it and not give them thier just profits? But then they want to sue me for downloading a copy and just keeping it on my hard drive? because I didn't go to the theater, or rent is a block buster they deserve $4,000 from me because someone else downloaded it? Fucking too much law is writen to legalize theft.


New Member
i borrowed a book from a friend once, come and get me piggies.

seriously, that happened and that is how i see music. aw, im sorry
you dont make millions bc you have a decent voice and no clothes on....
sry, you werent worth it in the first place, now fuck off and get a real job,
then come cryin' back to mommy. or at least get back in the bars and
small venues and grind it out like you want/deserve it. then see who
really gives a shit about your shitty pop album (evanessence, creed,
jessica simpson, etc etc etc), believe me, i wouldnt waste a weekend on
most of the crap out there that is being fought over in the courts and
niether would most of you.


New Member
hmm well i thought the point they were trying tro make was that it wasnt a plane at all since thewre was no evidence of crashed plane parts and the huge jet that was suppose to be 2 ft off the ground would have given somewhat of a minor sonic boom at the speed it was traveling i dunno maybe im just a retard and completely misunderstood the whole plot of the thing but it seemd to me like they tried to call it a missile and not a plane at all


New Member
go to www.google.com
search for failure
hit the "im feeling lucky" button or its the first link that comes up....
now you tell me about our gov.

also about this link you posted.
i read an article on http://www.rense.com/ a while ago that corrosponds with
this flash animation.


New Member
Both cases are examples of our governmental shortcomings. The 9/11 conspiracy is almost moot. Seroiusly, whatever really happened - you and I will never know the whole truth.


New Member
There is some interesting occurances with the pentagon. The pentagon is a very tough building, but since seeing some sort of conspiracy video remake of this for the last three years, the part that truly gets me is that one hole at the end. Commercial aircrafts noses are not armor plated, which would make sense to me that an explosion occured from some sort of ordinance rather than fuel.

I am figuring if it is a conspiracy of some sort the goverment will be able to keep a lid on it for 10 years tops.