Out like Trout


New Member

here goes...

I wont be playing anymore cz, sold the rig and other pieces of technology for school bills and junk.

I know this comes at a good/bad time for czl and all but its why i havent registered its been in my thought for a while

yes everything is fine
yes ill still contribute for the server as soon as i can
yes ill visit the forums and such
yes ill help anyone/everyone on how to's and whats it's
yes ill play again(when i get a new rig in a few months)
yes im still planning to visit dev and dirty when my knee gets fixed on monday.

You all know how to reach me and im trying to make this a simple as I can but even that is virtually impossible.

You all know me, so wish me luck ive got big changes coming my way maybe ill make the right decisions for once.

My clanmates and sister clanmates and regs abroad i love ya guys its been some good laughs with all of you.

Worm and Puppet will always be my founding fathers of punx, there Gold-hearted chuckles and bickering about some hacker at 2am many moons ago was what kept me here, it just felt honest and its hard to find things like that anymore.

And I know all of you, even if it was for 5 minutes i could tell if you were a good person or a prick and thensome. So I wish best of luck to you all, if i never talk to you again, in whatever you do in life.
I know that some of you may not like me, but i swear that i do not bode anyone ill will here or anywhere in the cz community(except that guy worm, man what a jerk :wink: )

All of this coems at a real crappy time, (doesnt everything) and im sorry for that but there is alot of things that are out of my hands here that I just have to do.

and relax im not going anywhere, i just wont be killing you as much as you would like.... :wink:

(just imagine all of us renting out a bar for a night of Jaeger, Beer Pong, Pool and Poker,Oh the fun we would have between keisor and I drinking each other to the floor and J, Dilla, Monkee and Daddy Blazing it up and the crazy sex with ema in the back room...good times...)

Much love and a whole lot of Alcohol
Ah, I will miss this time well spent.




New Member
Good luck to you man. I have always enjoyed playing with you on the server, and hopefully will be able to do so in the near future if things work out on the new rig and such. Good luck with surgery and rehab!


New Member
Digi....good luck, I'm gonna try and make a visit out there because I know you can't make it here with your knee. Good luck with surgery and school, I'm sure I'll talk to you on AIM so I'll get the details of my visit straightened out through that....who the fuck am I gonna awp now?

Peace....hope to see you back asap.


New Member
digi just get the fuck out this time would ya?!

nah man, its been great this last year. best of luck to you in everything and im sure ill talk to you sometime pretty soon