hey ema
i've added you to my aol buddy list.... when i see you on there i'll send you a compressed file of all my favorite tutorial sites that i've learned from over the years.
the key to photoshop isn't tutorials though, it's spending days/weeks/months obsessed with it's abilities and clearly creating your composition in your mind first and THEN opening photoshop.
i'm open to helping anyone that wants to learn photoshop. it's a great tool. of course there ARE trade secrets that you'll have to figure out yourself...don't want to teach myself out of work lol!
besides tutorials....get involved in a design community. there are a lot of them that really do help newer ps users such as
http://forum.24-7media.de/index.php (board set up by ingo of 24-7media.de...a photoshop GOD!)
all of those above are the cream of the crop in my opinion, although there are a shit ton of boards out there.