

New Member

just check his psychostats page

this guy had a noticeable pull so yeah aimbot... recommending perma ban


New Member
That stat page isn't even for the same guy, Foxy.

Dev - remember the guy named "Player" that you asked him to change his name, and so he changed it to "Practice"? Not the one you changed to DeezNutz but the guy before that. Anyway, yeah, that's the guy.

He could be banned on his lagwarp alone. He was one of those 30ping lagwarping jerky screen motherfuckers that are just annoying to even have around, hax or not.

So yeah, just wanted to clarify.. Different "Practice". Not "PracTice".


New Member
Intro said:
That stat page isn't even for the same guy, Foxy.

Dev - remember the guy named "Player" that you asked him to change his name, and so he changed it to "Practice"? Not the one you changed to DeezNutz but the guy before that. Anyway, yeah, that's the guy.

He could be banned on his lagwarp alone. He was one of those 30ping lagwarping jerky screen motherfuckers that are just annoying to even have around, hax or not.

So yeah, just wanted to clarify.. Different "Practice". Not "PracTice".

YEAH! that's the bastard!!! :twisted: :twisted: :evil: thanks intro for clarifying that


New Member

There's the guy. Hardly the stats of a hacker - well, one who knows what he's doing.

Maybe he's a "bitchchecker".


New Member
Fox, did Practice kill you and piss you off? You're number 11 on his hit list so that can't be it. This is a funny thread. I think we should archive it.

Ramon Knight

New Member
Intro said:

There's the guy. Hardly the stats of a hacker - well, one who knows what he's doing.

Maybe he's a "bitchchecker".

Yeah, only 10 and 2 with an mp5, i have a better ratio than that :-P