Puppet hate: The Official off topic thread

SuXoR said:
Come on guys, that's mean. Don't be picking on the best cz player at the senior center! :p :lol: :lol: :lol:

OMG OMG OME why didn't I come up with that....

Starting a game server to play cz with your friends: $64.79 a mont

Hosting a home page for your new clan : $ 18.62 a month

Riping off the Walgreens Depends undergarment supply to force recrute puppet :priceless

some things you can buy.....

for everything else there's PuNx


New Member
Ya Puppet, iahve nothin against him, but he was being mean to us Bio's the other week when we were laughin r asses off @ somethin that happened 2 Tone on one of our scrims......told us to STFU........that mean, hateful, no-fun-in-life ummm..........(INSERT OBLEITIVE HERE)


New Member
Yea, you guys, I feel the hate. You're all weak. For those of you who don't understand the hate thread it's because I posted this in another thread:

Hmmmmm, me thinks I get too much attention here. Time to lock because the subject is closed. Bring your puppet hate to an off topic thread.

Sooooo, Daddy in his wisdom made this thread. He was kind enough to let me know in AIM right after he made it that it's my fault and I'm not allowed to get mad. So yea, flame on. Say anything you want about me but keep in mind that I have full admin :wink:

And Myth, ahhhhh, don't know what you're talking about but I know in the past couple of weeks there have been two instances of people that won't shut the fuck up during game play. They are not talking about the game at all and I can't hear footsteps when you they do that. These two instances were non-stop gab. I don't mind occasional non-game talk though. So if you're part of one of those two instances, then yea, stfu.


New Member
"oddly" interesting?
Hmmmmm, I used to enjoy our conversations. Now I feel I was being used for my oddity. Fuck it, I'm going to go postal on all you bastards next time we're in the server together. Fear my spray.