Puppet Needs to go


New Member
Yea, you read the title and said, wow, finally the bastard is leaving..HUH! You're stuck with me! But, I want you to read how little respect I get around here.

14:46:05 ( T) yeah imma girl : cs needs a post puberty limit. lol
14:46:17 ( T) Ema_da_Cowgurl : ...why?
14:46:29 ( CT) [Lo3]-||-DigitalSword : on toher words, puppet needs to go =P

I was gonna permaban him but then I remembered that living in Cleveland is punishment enough.


New Member
Em, I'm just trying to give you the attention you desire now that you are not the only young chickie on the server; not to mention if I started to abuse any of the new girls they would band together and well, ohh that might be fun. :twisted:

And Dilla what is this reacharound thing that you and Holiday keep giving one another anyway?


New Member
Re: ...

Puppet said:
DigitalSword said:
PS> Cleveland is NOT that bad.....

I really think we should do a poll on that one :lol:

Not to bring up a touchy subject, but the reefer laws there are MUCH more lax than in Georgia.

Oh yeah, and Bone Thugs-N-Harmony.

And the famous Cleveland Steamer.

So much to be proud of!


New Member
have any of you ever been on a road trip? the intersate has more
cars from ohio than any other state. can we figure out why? i got
a theory, and it aint bc cleveland rocks.

the cleveland steamer is very note worthy and we should all drive
up there and drop one off at the same time, just to show our