saki 2 me



New Member
maybe we should make a sticky with what to do when we know/suspect a hacker is on the server (ie. instructions for getting steam id and demo, etc)


New Member
While I was there he looked fine. We've all owned. He said he plays with Satan. Don't get me wrong, he could have been toggling but remember whe heaton when somethin like 46-2 on aztec? Could be the same thing here, just a good player having a very on night.


New Member
Dev he was headshoting me straight through the crates before i became visible. Once yuo came in he go no kills at all before he was gettign 6 per round maybe then to 0 i think not.


New Member
Look, I didn't see anything! So I'm not gonna ban him! Maybe he was hacking, now he knows we're watching him and if Satan plays with him I doubt he hacks. Enough about it.
I watched him headshot someone wit his cross hairs a finger width away from them. he was 44-4 when yall ended the scrim and admin got online, he was 48-11 when the map changed. there was some bullshit going on.


New Member
For those wondering how to capture those people you think are cheating, you should press your Y key (speak key) and enter /stats first. This will record in your console the players steam id's. Then open the console and enter "record cheater" and then go back to spectating the player. Once you feel you have enough then enter "stop" in the console. If you then enter "condump" in the console then all your console text, including the /status output will be sent to a file called condump.txt in your czero folder. You should also find a file called cheater.dem in that folder, which is the recording you made. Talk to an admin about getting the condump.txt and cheater.dem uploaded to us for review.