Sceming and plotting will get you anywhere!


New Member
Seriosly. Sceming and plotting will get you anywhere!!.

Ive played a great game of risk today, so good that i decided to save the
replay, something im not prone to do. Check it out if you want to learn how to sceme yourself out of a underdog position in warcraft risk, and how to ally the right people.

I must admit, some things came handed to me, but most of the scemes i had a great hand in. Keeping myself weak enough not be teamed on, and strong enough to eventualy overthrouw the strongest.

The first three minuts im compleetly inactive, because i had to help my mom out, when i got back i started in denmark and was locked in quite fast. But through persevering i pulled through, and allied just the right people to get to the right position.



New Member
Risk? I'm sorry, Tears, but I only know Risk from the board-game. Something my father, sister and I tend to play sometimes on the 31th of December to kill some time. We haven't for the last two years though, but I guess that's partly my fault. Anyway, you might want to give a bit more information about the game before anything else; not everyone may know it.

And on the board-game I was referring to, lands were hard to see, let alone saying where you are (noting you said Denmark). =P Denmark was a part of 'Central Europe.'


New Member
The game consits of a map with countries on them, on those countries
stand cities, (a city is a barrack, a defence tower and a occupation
circle which your are supposed to take over).
When you have all the cities in a country you get a money boost.
The goal is te get as many countries and foil other to do the same.

So you build your armies, fleets and defences in order to kill other
players. The nice thing about Risk Revolutions you can attack by sea,
which gives way for complicated and multiple front attacks to docoy
and confuse the other player. Also when your good at making allies you
can inflict some mayor damage on people without lifting a finger.

I know. The risk revolution map. Thats the one i played,
its the best and most balanced risk. Its so random its impossible to win
100% of the time. I win between 70% and 80% of the time, which is
very good.

Other risk versions mostly suck and are very unbalanced.
WOW risk i win like 95% of the time when i start on the azeroth side,
and 80% of the time when i start on kalimdor and in such a way its
humiliating. I meen its fun, but hardly challanging.

Lotr risk is compleetly imbalanced, and is often played in teams. The
problem with that most of the teams have 1 guy that dies rightaway,
and the team that dosnt have that has such a great advantage its just
not fun anymore. Also its near impossible to win when you start in
certain locations (when your fighting people with the same skills as you
ofcource :p).

There is also the world map risk thingy, which is so crappy its
sickening. :p

And last, the shogun risk game. Which has no boats but has a large
range of tactical locations and units, which makes it kind of fun. Its the
second most balanced game, and after WOW risk the thrid best fun.

The replay i saved is from the euro risk revolutions map, the latest
version, it shows that, even without the most money, best positions
and militairy tactics its possible to win. Its a brilliant game, and i advice
any of you to join me in one of those revo games.

voices tell me to teach you people the way of world domination!! muahah


New Member
There's also another risk I have played... I can't recall it by memory but all of the countries have different weaponry and it goes up to like gunpowder...