Science, a sin? (Serious Disscussion)


New Member
Science, a sin? (Serious Discussion) DO NOT POST IF YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS.

I myself, am a Darwinist, I ought to throw that out there, before I reveal my thoughts.

Through previous experiences with "Christians/Catholics/etc" and going to a Catholic private school for elementary (I got expelled, and I didn't believe their "preaching" for a second.) I've came upon something I thought would be interesting to talk about.

Science, as a child, I was taught science at the Catholic school I went to.
If I remember correctly, in the "Bible" it says, something of the likes that you should not believe in which does not believe in god, or is against him, or something.
(Sorry if I'm wrong, though I do remember something of being against god, and shouldn't be following it, or whatever)

Anyway, religion is scientifically proven to be false, such as if it were a man made story, to represent good and bad, "right from wrong" etc. Pretty much was set out to control society.

So, if science were against god, and has proven he along with other religious gods are not of existence, why do YOU believe in god?

If you believe in science, and believe in god, wouldn't you be considered sinning?
Believing in something that is against your god is a sin, correct?
Therefore you shouldn't believe in science, and if you didn't believe in science, your life wouldn't be the same, imagine life without science?

I have more to this, though I can't remember what I left out, so I'll edit this post later, and add to it.

Share your thoughts.


New Member
Perhaps you didn't see. This is serious.

I for one am an atheist and I think that all that creationism crap shouldn't be taught anywhere. Churches are technically lying to your face.


New Member
............huh? lol

This is a serious discussion.
Do NOT post here if you can't take anything serious.

Perhaps you didn't see. This is serious.

I for one am an atheist and I think that all that creationism crap shouldn't be taught anywhere. Churches are technically lying to your face.

I'm a "Darwinist." I believe in Natural Selection, evolution, etc.

Creationism is indeed crap, and makes no sense.
Science has proven it, and "God" created science.
He also created "Lucifer" (Who is also known as "Satan.")
Why would he "create" whom is against him?

Churches are an attempt to control society, and is actually succeeding.
God wouldn't ask you to donate.
Have you noticed, at most churches, they all have baskets, which you may or may not "donate."
They also preach that what you donate, is for "God."
Though what do they spend the money on?
Why would God need money?


New Member
I am jewish,
Although I have to say "love" you make perfect sense in your post.

Also I have to say why is it that at schools although it is not required...Students are forced to stand for the pledge? I tried it once to see, I stayed sitting and after the pledge my teacher had me leave the room and write a page on why I would not stand. Then said next time if I didn't I would be suspended.

It's not because of "UnderGod" or because I don't support the troops cause I do I am in the army, but it's simply because I wanted to see what the big deal was. We all have opinions and I simply expressed mine.

This God Subject, if god was real don't you think there would be ONE religion?


New Member
Thank you for your reply InTheDark69,
I noticed that, throughout my schooling, I stood for the pledge probably 1-5 times.
Though, as I did stand up, I would say it using the opposite words (IE. Under "God", I'd say under Satan. Just for the hell of it, and to piss off the teacher.) and explain to the office each day on how people shouldn't be forced to stand.
I've never been suspended due to it, seeing as I knew what I was talking about, and they know I wouldn't have a problem fighting the suspension.
I myself, have had my fair share of suspensions, I was expelled 3 times, and suspended more than you can keep up with.
So it's not like I was scared to be suspended, I just knew I couldn't be suspended for such a thing.

Indeed, if god were real, why is there multiple ones?


New Member
I have been suspended more times then I can count, I have been expelled more times then I can count and I think the only thing I ain't had is a detention lol. And to think I survived to be a Senior this year lol, they want to get rid of me :) Boy are they in for one good senior prank.

I still stand by this though If god were real, why so many ?


New Member
Haha, sounds good.
I've been held back quite a few times, due to my way of dealing with things, violence.

They're trying to rid me too. Haha
Speaking of fights, I was in one today, left hook jaw, right hook temple, right hook nose.
He was out for a good while.
I talked my way out of a suspension, seeing as I'm at a "Last resort program."

There isn't a "god."


New Member
this subjestct can get very deep. i am christian but have always had questions about. (and to answer the whole "why did god make satan thing" it was, orccding to the bible, because he(satan) had his own free agency. in turn because of this we now have our own free aency) and i dont know what to believe. there are many things religion can solve but not science, and vice versa. and how can it be that even if we reanimate "life" that it wont fuction correctly? is it beacause it doesnt have a spriit? and is the bible just the biggest fiction story ever and the biggest scam ever imagined. i dont know, i would love to hear your thoughts.


New Member
"Adam" was created by "God."
Why did Adam not have his own "free agency."
They were both created by the same "person."
Therefore shouldn't they have been created equal?
Referring to the bible, everyone is "equal."

What can religion solve that science can't?
Obviously the bible is a fictional story set to control society..
As mentioned above..
You ought to read the original post, before you jump ahead and post.


New Member
i did read the original post i was jsut saying my own ideas no need to get mad. GOD!!!!! yes that was a joke. any way ithink that it might be fiction hence thats why i said it. im only 15, and im trying find my own way so i dont know if its true or not hence the post \^/ and he did have his free agency that why he picked the apple because he had that choice.... i dont really get ur question so dont be angry if i didnt answer it correctly...


New Member
i did read the original post i was jsut saying my own ideas no need to get mad. GOD!!!!! yes that was a joke. any way ithink that it might be fiction hence thats why i said it. im only 15, and im trying find my own way so i dont know if its true or not hence the post \^/ and he did have his free agency that why he picked the apple because he had that choice.... i dont really get ur question so dont be angry if i didnt answer it correctly...

A joke?


Just don't post in this thread, you obviously don't know the meaning of "serious."

Adam and Lucifer were both created by "god."
Therefore they both have their own free agency which means they are capable of anything.
You stated Lucifer had his own, and said it as if Adam didn't.

Don't post if you don't know what you're talking about.
Learn your facts before you begin to post.


New Member
wtf are u talking about i was just trying to point out by the "joke" that your taking this too serious. i was being serious and btw i never said adam didnt have his free agency so why dont you go and read the bible a couple of times to get the facts and then talk to me. you denounce all of this if you havent learned all you can about it. if you have pondered it and you still dont know then im sorry but the way your talking is that im making a joke out of this and i dont know what im talking about. I DO!!! unlike you who probably didnt have a good life so never really learned about religion the right way, because believe me if you did you would have better ideas other posting almost the same exact thing three times already. and if i want im going to post here as much as i want and theres nothing you can do. im just trying to have a discussion but you keep beating me down so have a good day and im always open to what you have to say!!!!
thanks !
ps as much as it might sound like it, no im not pissed off or anything just having a heated discussion!

It's a SERIOUS DISCUSSION, it's meant to be taken serious, at any level of serious.
I've read it actually, as a kid though, I believe I finished when I was about, oh, 13?
I lived a good life, until the age of 12, I did read the bible, and grew up through a Catholic school/family, but I never believed in it.
Contradicted yourself with your P.S. statement, I'm not pissed off either, I come off strong as people say.
Posting the same exact thing almost three times already?
The reason why would be you aren't getting what I'm saying.

Just because YOU believe in it, doesn't make it true.
Do you believe in science?
Believing in science is a sin, because believing in something that is AGAINST your god is wrong, and is a sin.

You get where I'm coming from?

The fact you believe it, doesn't make it true.
Also, don't assume what I've been through, my life switched quite easily, went good, then went straight downhill.
It's deeper than it's been at this moment, I'd suggest you learn not to assume, seeing as most of the assumptions made are in fact incorrect.


i am also an atheist. i am if there was god and jesus, show me their bones and everything with that, where the cross was when he died, his tomb, and if it so believable, then why doesnt he come back to help us now? the US is in a very bad state.


New Member
i am also an atheist. i am if there was god and jesus, show me their bones and everything with that, where the cross was when he died, his tomb, and if it so believable, then why doesnt he come back to help us now? the US is in a very bad state.

Their bones may have disintegrated, which would make it so there are no remains left.
The tomb may have collapsed, or something.
The cross may have been destroyed, or disintegrated.
I know they do have the spear that supposedly pierced the skin and drew blood of Jesus. It's located in a museum, I've seen a show on it.

It's said he'll come when the time is right, or whatever, but when will that be?