


New Member
Yeah...but what the hell else to post in here. HUH!!?? WHAT??? Mr. Cakeface! That's right! I'm gonna cake you in the face!! Not with a nice cake either. It's gonna be one of those cheap nasty cakes with frosting that's so sweet it hurts your teeth when you eat it. SMUSH!!!!!!


New Member
When you order extra pickles.. you should really order more pickle slices. Slices on your order never equal a whole pickle, therefor the slices are of the pickle... Hence, extra pickle slices please, not extra pickles.


New Member
Oh wtf is this happy horseshit.......

Secrets.......ya want one?

I'm not as crazy as most of u think in real life.....but I have done the following psychotic things:

1. HAHO jump with a NitrOx mix (really fun shit!)
2. Freedive (means w/o O2) to 165 feet
3. Bunjee jumped the New River Gorge, WV.......naked!
4. My personal best was havin sex with 7 women in 1 night! :twisted:


5. Blowing buildings up is just downright fun, especially with people in them! (Iraq-Afghanistan)

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: