

New Member
:mad:I keep shakeing and can't kill anyone. My friend said it was my graphics but, i don't know how i can fix it. Please helpy solve this problem and I'll thank anyone who trys to help me. Please don't put up ret@rd and bad (taking to long or have to download lots of things it makes computer slow). Please help me quick so i can try to enjoy Combat Arms (with its hackers, chammers,aimbotters, and glitchers). Thank you again for trying to help me and I just bought May and I want to try her out before she runs out. So please help me fast and thank you for your help


New Member
post your dxdiag if you dont know how to get a dxdiag just go to start/run then type in dxdiag and wait for it to finish loading then click save all information then upload and post it.

Jordan B

Active Member
Lower ALL your graphics settings , no blood , low special FX etc etc , then try. Also check Loves guide for reducing lag . Reinstall C.A maybe ? Maybe a RAM upgrade ?

I had 512 mb and use to lag BAD and take like 4 mins to load . I got an extra gb so now I have 1.5 GB and it loads in like 3 seconds. Lol