Show me the money



New Member
I am here. busy as hell. I got "grandmaster-takeitintheass-I dont run steam at my house because my fucking tinfoil hat is at the cleaners" eric here. I have him running source and HLDM on a bought version of HL2. Swear its the only legit thing he has.


New Member
I understand. He is trying to get into the Guiness book for being the only person who has never paid for any piece of software in his life. He already holds the title of "Never paid full price for anything"

Last time I checked he uses tin foil for more than hats :)


New Member
well I just got done getting both those Phaser 560's up running and tested. Time to get some more. I have a couple of 550's and two HP 4500C's I need to pick up. Damnit need a bigger kitchen.


New Member
Ahhhh.... Phazers, sounds phreaky. Time for me to re-calibrate my frickin lazer beams.


Anyway, what's the pricing for the toners on the 4500s?