So Pissed!!


New Member
Welll my mom installed a new light switch today in the house which required her to turn off the power...Well she turned off the computers and such, but she didn't turn off the router she said. When she turned the power back on she said that it wouldn't work. Patrick tried to fix it on my computer but he said it seemd fried and that it didn't work at all. Well that means that i don't have internet untill my mom gets a new router(on moms computer). Which really pisses me off b/c that means that i won't be able to play cs during the week and stuff when i get home from school.

Question though, is that a possibility that it go fried b/c she didn't turn it off when she turned the power off and that's what messed it up? Do you think it's fixable or do you think we should go ahead and buy a new one?

Well that's all for now...any input would be appreciated :evil:


New Member
Turning the power SHOULD NOT of killed it...

What would of happend if a storm came up and the power went out??

Unplug it and make sure the plug it is in is working.
Is there a reset button on it?


New Member
Well we unplugged it and plugged it back in like 10 times tryign to get it to work. Yes there is a reset button on the back of it...but no matter what we did it didn't work. Patrick tried fixing it using my computer upstairs...but still nothing...I think that i'm jsut going to have to go out and buy another one today if i can find the


New Member

ok, i very much doubt that it is fried, here why, power Surges are what usually kill Electronic equipment, a power surge it just a spike in voltage that whatever it passes thru cant really take(your router for instance), no this would all make sense in a storm, lightining hitting yoru hosur or somehting like that, because the surge is massive, HOWEVER, when your mom did turn the power off, yes thereis a MINY surge spike but i dont see how it could have fried it, something to check, and this is very easy to do, crack that fukr open and check its fuse, it will be very near to the dc adapter plug, if its fillament is cracked then it was a wurge, if its still there, soemthign else is going on, does it even power on, check that reset button, there are even fuses inside your power adapters but you dont want to go there (trust me), try a diff adapter plug if you have one around make sure its the same voltage, th toher thing could be is that many routers are fragile int hat if they just drop connections without being turned off first(like when your mom turned off the pc without the router off first) they sometimes scramble. Thisis hwy it says pretty clearly in my routers manual, ALWAYS TURN OFFF ROUTER FIRST! Not ridiculing, just givivng advice....let us know how it goes...



New Member
well i didn't feel like messing with it i went to staples today and got another one...and it works yeah...the end


New Member
Yah to throw in my IT 2 cents...
Tell us the model router you have. As everyone pretty much agrees, it's highly unlikely that it got "fried" when she turned the power off. Anyway more help can be provided when I know what model router it is.