Soldier on trial, accused of killing wife

Animal Mother

New Member

' Bare's lawyer has admitted the soldier killed his wife but said it was not planned because he acted in "intense passion" '

"Nabila Bare, 18, had been stabbed at least 71 times with knives and a meat cleaver"

Holy shit stabbing somone 71 is that "not planned?" :shock:


New Member
Maybe he played SO much cz that maybe he thought he was actually playing and he was wondering why she wouldnt die, he just kept on going after like the first 2. Im sure he was like wtf wtf.

Damn that was mean, shouldnt have said that.


New Member
M1ster_R0gers said:
Dirty said:
Well the first stab is planned, after that it just sorta happens.


Remind me not to piss you off. Do you think these soliders who saw too much killing value life less?

i was wonderin that myself

then know how the WWII and all those other vets have those flashbacks or whatever...maybe it could have been one of those and thought he was killing a terrorist??!?!? lol just a thought