Starcraft 2


New Member
Knowing that its going to be split up, how far away it is too, and that youll be paying for subscription, is anyone here going to be getting it as soon as it comes out? or waiting for all the parts and buy as a box set?

Im looking forward to it, but by the time its out, the graphics wont be up to date, all the suprises would have been unveiled in vids and a subscription.


New Member
Phaced said:
KingRick said:
Command and Conquer ftw!

Ive played these games very much. I loved it!

You know SC and C&C are real time strategy games right? pretty similar

Or are you two people? :p
Oh really...
I'm kinda confused now, lol. I think I though Starcraft was another game.

But lemme google this game lol.

edit: ah I see... Well It actually looks pretty fun. But This game is with all kinds of monsters and crap. Don't really like that.